In this post I’m going to offer snapshot answers to actual frequently asked questions I’m asked on a regular basis. Each of these answers could be expanded upon almost indefinitely, but I’ll do my best to be as concise as possible. Do you believe in God? I don’t believe in some entity out there separate…
The Myth of Mindfulness
Mindfulness has become somewhat of a buzzword in recent times. “Be mindful” is the popular mantra of many. In this post, The Myth of Mindfulness, I want to shed light on what mindfulness is not (hyperfixation on “things” or “actions”, nor a quick fix for all of life’s supposed problems) and consider what it truly…
Going Deeper into Nonduality
I would like to follow up on a previous post titled “3 Practices to Experience Nonduality” and dive just a bit deeper into the vast ocean of being that is all things. Deeper into this profound realization as we understand our true nature as existence itself, and offer a practice to help experience this great…
3 Practices to Experience Nonduality
In this post I will attempt to describe what is ultimately indescribable, but more importantly, I will give suggested practices and meditations to help in the actual experience of this unnamed indescribable_______ (I’ll refrain from naming it here). (To read about my journey from Christianity to the path of nonduality, click here.) What is nonduality?…